Zefunot Culture is a non-profit organization (amutah) founded in 1997 in loving memory of Dr. Zefaniah Cohen. Its purpose is to discover, aid and promote young Israeli musicians.Â
In addition to awarding scholarships and financial support, the organization has taken upon itself to provide a warm home for those talented musicians for whom music is a way of life. Zefunot Culture provides them with a home, a meeting place for musicians from all over the world, a place to rehearse and a venue for concerts.Â
The concerts take place in an intimate atmosphere. The performances are at an international level and the audience has the added bonus of direct access to the musicians.
The income from the concerts is dedicated to the professional advancement of young Israeli musicians.Â
In 2009, quite by chance, a couple from Moshav Sde Warburg near Kfar Sava heard about the activities of Zefunot Culture. Offering their house as an additional venue for concerts, they invited their friends and provided refreshments while Zefunot Culture took care of the music. This was the beginning of the concerts in Sde Warburg which expanded when other families living there offered their homes too.
Today, at least four concerts a year are held in Sde Warburg and the income is dedicated solely to Zefunot Culture. Summer concerts are held outdoors in members' gardens. The audience is grows from year to year.
Dear Ilana,
We joined the activities of Zefunot Culture because we identified with its aim – the promotion of young Israeli musicians. We were impressed with the way the organization is run by volunteers only, and also with the exposure given to young musicians through concerts with a unique and special atmosphere.
Immediately after the first evening we hosted at our house, we realized how much we ourselves gained from these wonderful concerts in our village, surrounded by friends and hearing such highly professional music. The excitement before, the preparations, the arrival of the audience, the wonderful music, our pleasure at hearing the comments afterwards and the knowledge that we are partners in such a worthy cause, all these combine to create a deep and moving experience.
Although I am writing this letter personally, it is important to say that all the hosting families and the whole community in Sde Warburg share these feelings.
Thanks for the opportunity to be part of this wonderful project.
With best wishes,
Rosie Levy
Dr. Ilana Cohen - Chairperson
Reuven Ravid - Attorney
Uzi Abel - Treasurer
Benny Goldstein
Hagai Koren
Rosie Levy
Dan Ziv
Dr. Ilana Cohen - Chairperson
Varda Genosar
Maya & Benny Goldstein
Yitzhak Kaul, of blessed memory
Dalia & Hagai Koren
Haviva & Moshe Makov, of blessed memory
Rami Mardor

The Russian /British /Israeli pianist,Evgeny Kissin, has graciously agreed to champion our cause by serving as Honorary President.
Mr. Kissin's association with our organization will provide inspiration to our supporters and scholarship recipients alike.

Zefaniah's biography contains the history of our country in all its beauty and strength. His mother was born in Jerusalem and his father in Motzah, then a small Jewish settlement in an Arab environment, where he grew up. Zefaniah went to school in Givat HaShlosha and was a graduate of the Kaduri School in 1948. He was active in the Haganah and the Palmach, fought in the War of Independence and was sent on secret missions abroad. He was also one of the first members of Kibbutz Revivim.
Zefaniah left the country to study agriculture in the United States but did not hesitate to change direction and study geology because he thought it was important to devote himself to oil exploration in Israel. For him, the needs of the young country had top priority and he indeed had the privilege of being the first to announce the discovery of oil. He did not stop there and continued to search, undeterred by those who could not understand his unique and innovative ideas.
Zefaniah was friendly, active, loving and loved, a real support in times of crisis, a man with wide horizons and a musician at heart with a wonderful sense of humor. But above all, he was a true friend.
May his memory be blessed.