Performance Artist

Zefunot Culture introduced Tamar to its audience and awarded her a scholarship for professional advancement.
"I find her work original, unique, exciting and esthetically constructed. Besides the beauty that Tamar weaves from her movements, she also brings a rare humane dimension to her dancing. Few artists possess such an abundance of sensitivity, talent and uniqueness".
Giora Manor, dance critique
"Tamar Borer's dancing rekindles a mind-full faith in man. Her life force excites, inspires and leaves you harmoniously balanced".
Billy Moscunna-Lerman
Tamar borer, a performance artist, dancer, Butoh- soul dance teacher and guided imagination therapist. Tamar substantiates a unique dancing craftsmanship that she has developed throughout 20 years of research.
Since 1988, Tamar creates, dances and performs solo, duets and ensemble co productions in Israel and throughout the world. Her education in this professional pursuit comprises a variety of techniques such as: classical Ballet at the American Ballet theatre N.Y. Modern dance at the Rena Sheinfeld Dance Theatre, where she danced and performed 7 years, authentic Balinese dance in Indonesia, trance dance in Mexico, Butoh-soul dance, with its founder Kazuo Ohno, in Japan, Yoga, Tai chi, Feldenkreis dance therapy, Paola exercises, meditation and guided imagination.
In 1990, Tamar was involved in a serious car accident that left her paralyzed in both legs. Despite the accident she continues to dance, create, teach and perform proffesionaly with dedication, energy and wholehearted love of dancing.
Tamar creates and performs throughout the world. She was invited to many dance festivals like the "Haramat Masach", Israel, the "International Dance Festival", Montpelier France, "Cross Over Festival" Italy, and festivals in Germany, Norway and more. Tamar has won many awards such as the Buchman Hyman fund "Promising Artist Award", the Ballet Master Albert Gaubier fund "Distinguished Artist Award" and more.
In correlation with her artistic involvement, Tamar conducts shows, encounters and conferences to strengthen and empower challenged communities such as abused women in shelters, the mentally abused, the disabled in homes, artistic caregivers, psychiatrists, physiotherapists etc.
These encounters are designed to awaken the life force, the will to rebuild oneself, and the faith in the wonderful abilities that are inherent in everyman.
On account of these activities, Tamar won the righteous honor in 2002. It stated the following: "The righteous honor is granted to Tamar Borer for her struggle with the physical disability in a unique and creative way that sets an example for people with disabilities and to all the community in Israel and throughout the world. As a creative dancer that was left paralyzed in both her legs after an accident, Tamar managed to grow and outgrow despite her physical disabilities to new artistic and spiritual heights".
Tamar sets a personal example with her disability: with a strengthening approach, her artistic lifetime-work greatly contributes to the spreading of her life story message. With the will to work, perseverance and contemplation one can transform disability and hardship into wonderful achievements and live life to its fulness.