Zefunot Culture initiated and produced an exhibition of Ran’s works as well as his first CD.

Multidisciplinary artist focusing on painting, photography, music and songwriting, currently located in Berlin. Participating in the Studio program of the Berlin Art Institute.
Expression in different media allows him to deal with widely ranging subjects like visual and lyrical representations of biochemical states of consciousness on the one hand and political issues touching the concept of nation, history and social construction on the other.
Has vastly collaborated with the Zefunot Culture NPO both in the arts and music.
2015 Berlin Art Institute
2009 Minshar for Art, Photography studies
1999 High School, Major in Arts
Solo Exhibitions
2012 "Reside residue" (photography), Florentine 10 Window Gallery
"Spanish Nocturne" (photography), Florentine 10 Window Gallery
2011 "Remains of Hudna" (photography), Givatayim Theatre
2007 "Remains of Hudna" (photography), Palookaville Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
2000 Painting exhibition, Noga Theatre, Tel Aviv
1999 "Try Again" (painting), The Artists Residence, Herzeliya
Group Exhibitions
2015 "I Live in the East but my Heart is in the West" (photography)
“Come all you young men”, Gallery Pasinger Fabrik, Munich
2012 "Remains of Hhoodna" (photography) Contemporary art space, Glob's desk
"Lethal Lesbian" Film Festival (photography), ZOA Gallery, Tel Aviv
"Cognifications" (painting), ZOA Gallery, Tel Aviv
"An angle on Israeli Photography" (photography), French House, Yakum
"Trans/mission", Kassel City of Documenta, Kassel, Germany
"Art Plates London", Hundred Years Gallery, London, England
Tel Aviv Photo Art Fare, Hangar 2, Tel Aviv Jaffa
"Center and Periphery", The French Institute, Nazereth
2011 "Beyond the Wall", Mémoire De l’Avenir Gallery, Paris, France
2009 Fashion and Styling exhibition (photography), Dizengoff Center, Tel Aviv
2007 ArtHoles, Melbourne, Australia
696 Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
2012 Music for the film "Artist in the Negev", Epos Festival, Tel Aviv Art Museum
CD: "The Written Occurance" (Alternative rock) - in progress
2006 CD: "The Ghost of Abbey" (instrumental)
2005 Music production and recording of Pianist Michael Zertsekel's CD